Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It is time for another post on the history of the Canessa Park Reading Series, since there are rumors of a new director.

Ron Silliman on Rachel DuPlessis

The Grand Piano

Experiences at Canessa...

Spencer Selby is the author of eight poetry books, three compilations of visual work and a study of film noir. He coordinated The Canessa Park Reading Series for six years and created The List of Experimental Poetry/Art Magazines in 1993. He lives in Oakland, California.

25 FEBRUARY---sunday:
• Canessa Park Poetry presents John Sakkis and Megan Pruiett, To Music, guest curated by Tiff Dressen, Canessa Park, 708 Montgomery, at Columbus, SF, 3:00

Gratuitous reference to absinthe

Grand Piano -> Canessa Park

Colleen Lookingbill

Definitive history by the Black Cat (not to be confused with The Black Cat)